Welt der Wunder ad-ventures GmbH Innovation management
Rosenheimer Str. 145 f
81671 Munich
Contact person: Sven Rüger
Phone: +49 8945 2545 60
Fax: +49 8945 2545 61

Welt der Wunder ad-ventures GmbH Innovation management
wdw ad-ventures is a Technology to Business transfer platform. The aim is, to be a catalyst for technology transfer to commercialization and also participating in the growth of business partners. This is done by, inter alia: coalition of investors and funds, operative business developer, experienced entrepreneurs, business economist and media/marketing- and communications experts and coaches. It is intended to prepare companies with existing development and technology know-how for the market and to direct investments.
Expertise – consulting and support/monitoring
All involved parties are successful entrepreneurs themselves and bring their experience and know-how to structure a new business and can accompany the company operative on their way. At the same time wdw adventures has the expertise and network to evaluate the technologies in terms of market opportunities. The existing competencies enable wdw ad-ventures to launch developments and technologies to the market and to prepare the transfer into the market. For this purpose, the company will be assisted in the ideal case, at all levels (from the business plan to the production to logistics to sales and to marketing).
Responsibilities – fund raising
wdw ad-ventures has a network of banks, private and institutional investors who support the company financially. The close relationship of wdw ad-ventures with the company secures the interests of the entrepreneur and investor.