Environment Park
Parco Scientifico Tecnologico per l’Ambiente Via Livorno, 60
10144 – Turin
Phone: +39 011 225 8005
Email: info@envipark.com

About Environment Park
Environment Park is a Technology Park that has been active for over 20 years in environmental innovation and sustainability. We are a private company with public shareholders. Among our shareholders are local institutions and utilities.
Environment Park operates in a free market regime. Environment Park’s vision is to develop and promote environmental sustainability as a driver for competitiveness. To do this, our mission is to be a reference point for public and private actors engaged in innovation towards environmental sustainability.
Environment Park’s activity is divided in two areas:
- The management of the Technology Park, which hosts companies and laboratories, a Convention Center, services for the Park community and green spaces.
In the heart of Spina 3, in Turin, the Park is a unique location born from an urban transformation, it is built applying green building technologies and sustainable architecture principles.
- The development of innovation services dedicated to companies and public administrations that want to invest in environmental innovation.
Owing to the experience gained since the end of the Nineties we have become a competence center dedicated to innovation for sustainability and a catalyst of projects at the center of local and international networks.
We have been working on sustainability for more than 20 years. We have developed experience and expertise in various areas of innovation.
Energy and mobility
From sustainable materials to energy efficiency of buildings, energy communities and smart cities: Environment Park offers innovative solutions and consulting services to companies and public authorities, working from product to city and region scale for a more efficient use of energy and sustainable mobility.
- Materials and products
- Efficient and Sustainable Cities
- Sustainable building
- Resilient region
For more information please use this link.
Surface treatments
From textiles to automotive, biomedical and packaging: Envipark provides sustainable solutions of surface treatments based on plasma* and other technologies, aimed at improving the properties of different materials and designed to make industrial production more environmentally sustainable and more competitive. The Plasma Nano-Tech group has more than 15 years’ experience in development and technological transfer of innovative solution for processes, owing to a strong and continuous collaboration with plasma technology providers.
Some examples of applications developed in and transferred to different industrial sectors are:
- surface activation and functionalization of fibers and fabrics (natural and synthetic) and composite materials to provide hydrophobic, flame retardant, antibacterial properties;
- in-line treatments for reducing water and energy consumption in textile production processes;
- processes for Optimization of bonding/adhesion of polymers and metals (automotive sector and food packaging);
- surface treatments in the biomedical sector for promotion of cell adhesion and proliferation, sterilization.
For more information please use this link.
Since 2002, we have been promoting hydrogen and fuel cell initiatives in partnership with local industrial and research stakeholders. Thanks to a dedicated laboratory (HysyLab), we are able to test fuel cell systems, subsystems and components. As of 2019, the lab facility is managed in partnership with the Politecnico di Torino and IIT.
Alongside laboratory activities, we offer technology intelligence services including technology scouting, system and component assessment, and analysis of the entire hydrogen value chain.
In the last 15 years we have worked with about 100 companies including manufacturers and service companies. We support the regions and institutions such as the Piedmont Region, the Eusalps Alpine Region, and other local authorities in adopting hydrogen policies and best practices. Finally, we are members of H2IT – Italian Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Association and of the main industrial networks at national and European level.
For more information please use this link.
Green chemistry and circular economy
EnviPark promotes sustainability and circular economy as opportunities for economic development of companies and regions.
Through specific studies and tests on our pilot scale plants, we can identify potential and processes for the conversion of different types of biomass, waste and by-products and the production of extracts for the cosmetic and nutraceutical industry as well as for biofuels and intermediates of chemical industry, thus establishing new value chains and new business opportunities for companies.
We can perform conversion, extraction and purification of different organic matrices to produce pilot-scale amounts of substances of practical interest for companies.
We have specialized skills in the following fields:
- Technological scouting
- Feasibility studies
- Promotion of circular production chains
- Feasibility studies and pilot tests
- High added value compound extraction and exploitation of by-products and scraps
- Energy and biofuels production from renewable sources
For more information please use this link.
Climate change
Climate change is the main social, economic and environmental challenge we face in the coming years. Global and European policies indicate the need to work at all levels and in all sectors to reduce GHG (Green House Gases) emissions and increase the resilience of cities and regions. At European level, the goal we are called to achieve, with the joint effort of institutions, private organisations and citizens, is carbon neutrality by 2050.