Cortronik GmbH
Center for Vascular Implants
Friedrich-Barnewitz-Str. 4a
18119 Rostock
Contact person: Dr Carsten Momma
Phone: +49 3818 1737 110
Fax: +49 3818 1737 910
Fax: +48 1841 4007 0

Cortronik GmbH – Center for Manufactoring and Developing Vascular Implants
Cortronik was founded in 1998 and employs more than fifty professionals for manufacturing vascular stents. The company closely collaborates with other BIOTRONIK®centers, physicians, and the Rostock University.
New Technologies for New Materials
Cortronik uses classic stent materials, such as stainless steel and nitinol, and has an extensive experience with handling new materials, including cobalt-base alloys and biodegradable materials.
Computer Simulation
They focus on computer optimization of our products before the first prototype is even developed. Finite element analyses enable us to optimise the stent design. Cortronik perform extensive simulation procedures prior to manufacture and test prototypes.This guarantees an exceptionally efficient development process.
Highest Product Quality
As a member of the BIOTRONIK Group, the company intend to achieve the highest possible product quality. Moreover, they make their expertise available to third-party companies as an OEM service provider for laser microprocessing, thermal material processing, and electropolishing.