Lublin University of Technology
ul. Nadbystrzycka 38A
20-618 Lublin
Contact person: Prof. Henryka D. Stryczewska
Phone: +48 8153 8428 9
Fax: +48 8153 8464 3

About the Lublin University of Technology
The Lublin University of Technology was established as Evening Engineering School in May 1953 on the initiative of Lublin technical societies. The first faculty, which began its activity in 1953, was the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. In 1963/64 Electrical Engineering Faculty was established and in 1964 specialisation of Industry Electrical Engineering was added to it. Next year, the Faculty of Building Engineering began to function. In 1989 it was transformed into the Faculty of Civil and Sanitary Engineering and since July 2009 the name Building and Architecture Faculty have been used. The Evening Engineering School was altered into the High Engineering School on the 28th of April 1965. And finally, a celebrated moment for the University was appointed for the 1st of August 1977 when the Lublin University of Technology was brought in to begin. The complementation of the LUT’s origin was accented with the establishment of the Management and Fundamentals of Technology Faculty in 1988. On 28th December 2007, the Faculty was altered into the Faculty of Management. Moreover, on 28th December 2004, the Minister of National Education and Sport published formal Regulation to establish the fifth Faculty of the Lublin University of Technology – Environmental Engineering. On the 28th of December 2007, the University was broadened with the Faculty of Fundamentals of Technology.
Faculties of the Lublin University of Technology:
- Mechanical Engineering
- Building and Architecture
- Management
- Fundamentals of Technology
- Environmental Engineering
- Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electrotechnologies
The Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electro technologies was established in 1999 to replace the previous Department of Fundamental Electrical Engineering, existing since 1968. In 2003, the Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electro technologies was recognized as an exemplary unit and received its present status as the Centre of Excellence for the Application of Superconducting and Plasma Technologies in Power Engineering (ASPPECT). The main aim of the centre is to provide and develop world-class scientific, technical and research resources in plasma technologies. Research areas cover a wide range of disciplines and the Centre intends to broaden and strengthen its service to the industry. ASPPECT has been established to facilitate innovation and technology transfer toward industry. The Institute has gathered efficient, mobile staff that performed scientific research in foreign institutions in Austria, Great Britain, Italy, Germany and Japan and is able to cooperate with national and foreign partners.
Research in the field of plasma technologies for environment protection
- Electrical supply systems for ozonizer and plasma reactors
- Plasma reactors to remove gaseous pollutants from the air
- Supply systems of ozone generators
- Multi-stage gliding arc reactors